Case Study: 

How to Test a Champion


I led the design, coordination, analysis, and presentation of a 2 part character design study that spanned 1 month and hosted over 25 participants. My mixed methods research, in combination with solution-focused reporting, gave the Champion’s team the information they needed to confirm their direction lock and continue to improve usability for players before release. 


Collaborated with the Champion’s team at Riot Games to stress test upcoming character releases, aiming to provide actionable feedback to meet our passionate player’s expectations.

Product: Testing a new character for League of Legends (League), a team-based strategy game where two teams of five powerful champions face off to destroy the other's base.

Background: Each player chooses a unique character they want to play, also known as their champion (champ). The Champion’s team designs between 2-4 new champions each year. This lab was testing two new champion designs for compatibility with League’s base game Summoner’s Rift (SR). 

Users and Audience

Primary stakeholders

Champion’s team (design, art, narrative, production, publishing divisions)

General Audience

League of Legends players that play SR

Aurora Audience

Mage players comfortable with playing mid, top, or support roles

Skarner Audience

Players who play Jungle roles, players who previous chose Skarner as their main champion

Scope and Constraints

Time Frame was 1 month

My Responsibilities

Pulling data for recruiting, assigning positions for testers based on rank and lane, creation and deployment of 4 surveys, creation and presentation of onboarding PowerPoint, set up of lab computers (including OBS and testing environment), moderation of the lab (including technical troubleshooting), note taking during lab for future analysis, analysis of lab results (including survey qualitative and quantitative data, review of lab VODS, and study of previous notes taken), compilation of analysis into PowerPoint for stakeholders, presentation and sharing of analysis to stakeholders.

Team Details

Total team size was 5 members: 1 assistant researcher who helped in lab moderation, 2 lab assistants to help with check in, and 1 team lead to review work before approval.


League’s community often gives feedback that new champions negatively affect game balance and are not representative of diversity communities. Our job was to measure the sentiment of those metrics for the Champion’s team, and provide them with creative solutions to address any concerns expressed by players.

Business Impact: Previously Skarner had not tested well with players, and it was important to stakeholders that they won over the hearts of his dedicated fanbase with this update. Aurora was meant to represent a disenfranchised community, and her gameplay was an important part of reinforcing her powerful narrative so affected players felt seen and heard. 

The two champs being tested in this lab were: 


User Objective: Aurora is a new champion meant to be flexible to multiple different playstyles. She is meant to feel powerful, relatable, and kindhearted.

Business Objectives:

Metrics of Success


User Objective: Skarner was an older champion who needed a gameplay and design update. Skarner is meant to feel like an ancient, intimidating monster with deep connections to the earth.

Business Objectives:

Metrics of Success:


Skarner Analysis


In order to collect data, the research team brings in 25+ players to test the new champions over 4 SR games (each 30-45 minutes long). Players are given 2 mixed method surveys, one thematic and one gameplay, and additional context is gathered through direct observation of gameplay. Our mixed method surveys and gameplay observation revealed unanticipated usability pain points, highlighting high risk development areas for the Champion’s team.

User Insights

Gameplay and thematic analysis showed that both champions had overall positive sentiment, however players did note some usability issues related to visual clarity with indicators and ability cast. 

Impact on Project

Champion’s team applied research team’s recommendations based on player feedback, revamping visuals and redesigning abilities (such as Aurora’s ultimate) to better communicate their impact.


Performance against objectives

Both champions received good marks across the board and met their general goals. There were some specific goals that could use improvement, especially around kit usability.

Skarner Playtest Results

Impact on Skarner's design

Although earlier lab results had shown significant worry about Skarner’s new design not feeling like an upgrade, these results relieved those fears. These results reaffirmed the current direction of the team’s design, and provided further feedback on interactions needed for visual clarity.

Impact on Aurora's design

Aurora’s connection to the spirit realm was clear in her narrative, but not in her kit. This information, along with usability feedback related to her visual clarity, pinpointed iteration points for the gameplay to work on before her next testing round.

Lessons learned

Research reports can often feel like a judgment on a development team’s work as results are often given in front of their stakeholders. In an effort to reinforce the collaborative elements of labs, I aim to bring developers into the results process much earlier in future labs. In doing so, developers will have ample time to analyze potential issues to address, and will be prepared for stakeholder questions during the official presentation.

Areas for future improvement

Unfortunately there were some technical issues with the build we were using to test with players. Because of this, several players had far more limited time to try out the character abilities than anticipated. Going forward, we have prioritized a much closer connection with the Quality Assurance team to make sure builds are completely locked before playtesting.